New Life Project

Law No. 5378, Article 13; “Measures are taken to enable the disabled to choose a profession and to receive training in this area. Professional habilitation, rehabilitation and training programs are developed by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security for those with disabilities in line with the work and occupational analyzes conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Occupational habilitation and rehabilitation services of the disabled can be realized by public institutions and organizations, municipalities and other real or legal persons. ”

The Grant Scheme for Improving Employment with Social Integration of Disadvantaged Persons will contribute to the fulfillment of the obligations set forth in the UNHCR and New Life Project under the TRH4.1.ISEDP / P-03/0659 contract.


The 10th Development Plan covering the Law No. 3067 dated 30.10.1984
2013-2017 Strategic Action Plan
Action Plan for Unhindered Health Tourism and New Life Project
07.07. Law No. 5378 of 2005
TRH4.1.ISEDP / P-03/0659 support, sponsorship agreement